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Your Stuff Being Garbage is Actually A Good Thing

There are books written on other, better, more famous books, like books by Newton and Neitzsche.  Essays are written on the essays, philosophies link the famous philosophies.  We need to get paid, and lacking the wherewithal of our own ideas we feed off the ideas of others.  Not that that's a bad thing.  Some ideas are better than others, and sometimes they need centuries, or millennia to be properly digested.  You may have had the best idea of the year, but if no one knows it, on account of them also having ideas of the year, then the only one who experiences your ideas will be you.  And if that is the case you might as well eat your own vomit for dinner.  

 It's also good to acquaint yourself with the great ideas, because if one day you have an idea and you sit someone down on your sofa, and tell them your idea like you are 10 x 10 ^ 10 and it turns out the idea is actually quite done already and everyone knew this except you, the person you just sat down would laugh at you until near death.  

It is also good to know the Ideas because it saves you the trouble of thinking of them for yourself.  If it so happens that someone is getting paid to think of ideas, then that is when the big ideas are truly great, because by simply chopping them up, adding some vinegar and mushrooms, and spaghetti you will have something to sell, and that means, of course, you can play golf and slap mens asses and call them chief.

Unfortunately, with our inclination to feed off the great ideas, we are like flies swarming round poo, or, as I am so familiar with: Fruit unedibles.  If we are like flies, then Newton's, or someone else's ideas are like garbage.  So, if anyone ever tells you what you've just done is garbage, then you can tell them "thank-you", and you may pee in their car if you are so inclined.  Unless it so happens what you've just done really is garbage, and there's no denying it, well then, you should bury it and run for your life.  


JMH said...

My own vomit tends to appear around breakfast time (I think that spell-check should recognize breakfas(t)time as one word). Do I eat it? No. But I recognize it as food.

John Dantzer said...

Don't let spell check slap you around.