Online Portfolio

Violence as Power

In the library.  Crazy homeless guy to my right.  People often get stabbed here, or so the news tells me, but the news is just there to paranoi.  I try looking up my fav. lingerie sites, but people are staring at my screen.  It's so uncomfortable.  I raise my eyebrows up to express my discomfort.  If someone looked at me just then they might say I was surprised.  The librarian thinks I'm writing propaganda.  She doesn't realize the clothes she's wearing are a testament to her own exploitation.  Besides, what would I promote?  Just horseplay and whippets. 

I just watched The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. It was OK.  Our young women need strong role models, not dumb-dumbs who have their dresses blown up, you know.  It's just too bad the women have to turn to violence to be powerful.  Haven't we had enough of the violence?  No. Not ever.  We will never have enough.  As it happened it was the apes who walked out of that stew and they are nothing if not violent.  It was not the Lily Loving Sprinkle Lovers who walked out.   Will we ever find disinfectant in our otherwise  polluted minds?  We can always move to Mars. 

Furthermore, a bath wouldn't hurt, neither would brushing your teeth.  OK, the toothpaste tastes like blood.  How much blood can you swallow before damage is done? It's a couple of pints, I think.  Unless you are a vampire, in which case it is life sustaining. 


ponks said...

Good question: do women always have to turn to violence to be powerful? I try not to. I sometimes succeed.

John Dantzer said...

Haha. It's the trying part that counts.