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Redaction (Translated from the French)

3. Arrest and communication of rights

6:56 am: Agent P. explains to the suspect that he has been arrested for driving a vehicle while impaired and he gives him the right to remain silent and to a lawyer in English verbally.  He then asks the individual if he understands, and the subject responds with a "Hum Hum".

I ask the suspect to empty his pockets and to give me what he finds on the inside.  At this moment, I find before him and I smell an alcoholic beverage odor that comes out of his breath when he speaks to me.  This odor comes beneath the mister's strong corporal odor.  He gives me all he has and asks me if he can take his cigarettes from the car before leaving.

The suspect is conducted to the back of the patrol vehicle, passenger side, for a summary search from agent P.  Mister's gait is correct and he laughs because agent P. asks him if he has any sharp or dangerous objects on him.

7:01 am: The suspect is helped into the back of the patrol vehicle, a foul odor invaded the cabin of the vehicle, an odor mixed with sweat, soap, and alcoholic beverages.  Agent P. starts the lecture of the S.Q. card for his arrest and his rights, all of it in English.  Agent P. asks him if he understands, and the individual responds, "Yes.  Hum Hum.  Yes I do."  Then he asks him what he understands, and he says, "Everything." Then, the suspect starts to talk to himself repeating certain phrases: "Yeah, Michel Foucault, Thank you."  He seems in his own world, in his head.  He has big blood shot eyes.

We ask agent T. to come take the relay for the storage of the suspect's car.  We see his actions getting stranger, agent P. asks the suspect if he has consumed any drugs or other things besides alcoholic beverages.  The suspect tells us, "Just wine, no drugs."  The agent asks him where he's coming from, he mentions that he doesn't remember but finishes by saying S.-T. he says he's lost, that he wanted to go East but he couldn't see the sun and he wanted to go to Halifax to find a job (all in English).  He asks us many times to simply take his keys for five hours.

4. Inspection of vehicle and transport

7:12 am: Agent T. arrives to the place and takes charge of the vehicle and makes an inspection. He doesn't note anything special in the vehicle which we haven't already.  I reside with the suspect in the patrol vehicle the whole time.  He asks me if he's going to prison, I reply that we're all going to the police station for some tests and that we're going after.  He starts to realize little by little what's coming to him.

7:19 am: We leave the place and head in the direction of the police station located in G_____y.  For the duration of the ride, the suspect is silent but as soon as we enter the police station, he lets escape a "Tabarnack, Caline de Bine," then he starts laughing.

After I open the passenger side door for him to exit, the suspect slowly puts his feet out on the ground.  He starts to regard us, and then takes some time to regard his surroundings slowly, this takes a couple of seconds then he finishes by exiting and following agent P. just to interrogation room #1.  His gait is always correct.

7:26 am: Agent P. offers the individual his right to contact a lawyer but he refuses.  He offers 4 times to contact a lawyer, that it's in his rights but he maintains to refuse.  The individual always has very big blood shot eyes and a foul odor which quickly invades the interrogation room.

He is left alone in the interrogation room while waiting for the 1st test but I surveille him permanently from the mirror window making sure he doesn't vomit, bawl, or regurgitate.  He has his arms crossed on his chest, his head is slightly inclined forward and he rapidly blinks his eyes without stopping.

5. Levies of the breath samples and results

7:40 am: Agent S. says she's ready for the first test.  We conduct the suspect into the alcohol testing room, his gait is correct but he hops at each step he takes.  He always has big blood shot eyes and a strong odor following him.  Agent S. explains the procedure of the alcohol test and the possible consequences/results if he doesn't blow correctly, or if he refuses.  The suspect confirms he understands with "Yes, Yes" "Hum hum".  He has his arms crossed on his chest.  He asks us what the legal limit is in Quebec and corroborates by saying it's the same in Alberta. Agent S. asks him if it's his first time submitting to the apparatus and he responds "Yeah".

7:51 am: The order for the fist blow is given by agent P.  The suspect executes it correctly and the obtained result is 152 mg of alcohol/ 100 ml of blood. After he finishes blowing, the suspect stays in front of the apparatus and tries to see the screen to see what appears.  Agent P. then grabs him by the shoulder and asks him to follow me into the interrogation room.  His bearing is always correct.

In the room, agent P. asks him again if he has consumed any drugs but the suspect responds that he just took wine, no alcohol, no drugs. Agent P. stays with the individual in the interrogation room to complete the Scenario of Consumption sheet, English version.  After he leaves the room, I return to surveille the individual through the mirrored window to make sure he doesn't vomit, bawl, or regurgitate.  He takes the same position, arms crossed, head inclined toward the front and always blinking his eyes quickly.

8:10 am: Agent S. mentions that she is ready for the second test.  We conduct the suspect to the alcohol test room, his gait is always hopping and he laughs.  He always has big blood shot eyes and a strong odor follows him.  Agent S. re-explains the procedure for the alcohol test and the consequences of a possible refusal.  He responds by saying "Yeah, Yeah, Hum hum".  He mentions that his family is in C______y and that he doesn't have any kids or women.  He says he's going to Halifax for an interview on the 4 of September.

8:13 am: The order for the 2nd breath is given by Agent P.. The breath given by the suspect is suitable and the obtained result is 140 mg of alcohol/ 100 ml of blood.  He is then reconducted to the interogation room #1, his gait is always correct.

Agent P. talks to me about liberation with a caution of $500 as he remembers it, this is the amount that is usually demanded.  I tell him I'll contact an attorney to make sure everything confirms, that he's from Alberta, that he's going to Halifax,  that his license is suspended for 90 days, that he resembles a "hobo" [bohème], without a fixed address for some time.

8:18 am: I phone the attorney to verify the modalities of the liberation of the suspect.  He suggests a caution of $1000 and mentions that there is a possibility for the individual to transfer his dossier to his province after he makes his appearance in court.

Agent P. goes to the mister to verify the possibilities of paying but he confirms that he doesn't have the necessary money for his caution.  So he will be detained for his appearance on Monday morning.

6. Signification

I prepare the formalities for the detention of the individual while agent S. takes his finger prints with consent.  Once finished, agent P. accompanies the suspect to the toilette of the transition room #1.

9:20 am: I proceed with the signification of the documents of the qualified technician with agent P. in the interrogation room.  The suspect always has big blood shot eyes and a foul odor is always omnipresent in the room.  Agent P. explains the new appearance, the suspect responds "Hum Hum".

9:30 am: The individual is left in the care of agent S. to attend to transport to the station of S______n for his detention until his appearance. 

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