Online Portfolio


Disneyland is like sugar, when you've digested it there isn't much left.  It doesn't leave much to the imagination.  Just like porno...

I'll design a new Disneyland, a Disneyland which only hints at different worlds.

For example: the Tea Cup ride will be a cafe where patrons can sit at a table which rests on the base of a slowly spinning circle.  They'll only serve tea, but the tea they serve will be nothing but air.

The Star Wars ride will be seats that tilt to one side or another, but instead of watching a projected image, you will instead watch a view of the ocean.

All the mascots will be different plush body parts detached hidden in dark alleys.

Entrance fees will consist of stale baguettes. 


Gabriel Sigma said...

Ha! Now that's a Disneyland I'd look forward to visiting. Have you thought of a location yet?

John Dantzer said...

I think it should be in the desert. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Upstate Nebraska. Maybe in Cherry county. I've never been. I hate Nebraska. I need a reason to love it.

John Dantzer said...

How about "Omaha" by the counting crows? That's a pretty good song.

Anonymous said...

Oh. I've been through Nebraska. Just not Cherry county. Have you been a-travelin' through that state? The vast nothingness is what disturbs me. So kind of like a green desert of sorts. See how that works out for your desert locale thoughts.

Nebraska really needs an Imaginationland.

John Dantzer said...

Cherry County it is.

Gabriel Sigma said...

Cherry County sounds great. Maybe they can make an enormous car park and then put Imaginationland on top of it.

Nice mental exercise.