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Were you looking at me? Did you look at the old man coming in? Did you just look out the window? Are you randy? Anyways, the pounding finally stopped last night at a quarter to eleven. Of course the bruises are still noticeable and the scar under my eye will never go away, but it makes me look sexy, and in these days of trying to look sexy, sexyness is all that matters. So who cares if I can barely see. The chicks dig it.

Anyways, last night at a quarter to ten I accidentaly stepped on a mutha hubba's toe in the biker bar because I wasn't wearing my glasses and I thought it was a mouse. True, I had been drinking absinthe all night long and earlier my friend slipped a wee bit o' mushrooms in my rice crispies. Damn! Was it a mouse or a green alien telling me to KILL! I forget. Whatever the case I spent the next hour trying to talk my way out of some horror, but to no avail. All that happened was I got my voice box punched in and the bruises already mentioned. Oh well, Fridays are fridays. That's all for me, I hope you're enjoying your senselessness.

1 comment:

JMH said...

But in that brief moment it was a mouse, and it needed killing.